Enter any stack you like into the stack field. This must be a comma separated list of cards that may contain spaces and multiple lines. Cards may be written in full, e.g. "9 of spades" or in short, e.g. "9S", or in various mixtures of the two. A stack may have any number of cards in it and may also include duplicates.
A number will appear and after a specified time period (guess time), the card at that number in the stack will then appear for a specified time period (reveal time), before moving onto the next number. If you wish to work on only a specific part of the stack, you may specify a range. You may choose whether you are looking through the stack sequentially or randomly. You may also choose how the card is displayed to best suit your learning style.
I hope you enjoy using it. Feel free to contact me at joe@joecreates.co.uk :)
This site works on the iPhone.
Want to use the stack trainer while offline? Download it here.
This software is free, but donations are very welcome. Thank you!