About me


I’m a game developer from Bristol, UK.


When I was five, I folded games consoles out of paper. The games were drawn on paper “cartridges” which would slot behind a tracing-paper screen. At ten, I made a “first person shooter” in Powerpoint by using timed slides and hyperlink enemies. Then I discovered Blitz Basic, unlocking the world of actual programming. Level up!

I’ve since made games with Java, Python, C++ and ActionScript among other languages. For my masters project, I  designed and implemented hardware-accelerated, networked multiplayer Tetris on FPGAs. Most recently I’ve been using Haxe, HaxeFlixel and Unity.

I am an avid game jammer and compulsive Ludum Darer. My love for game development led me to foster interests in art, especial pixel art, and music for games. While I often work solo, I also love to work in a team, and will happily take on any of these roles.

I’m also a magician.